The Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples Foundation undertook a significant project involving the migration and complete makeover of their website. This foundation was born from the ambitious desire of some friends to meet, learn about and share with the world all that is beautiful and good in the culture of our time.
The project had a major beginning with the primary goal of migrating data from the old content management system (CMS) to WordPress. The data provided for this migration were initially present in the form of an Access database. To ensure a smooth transition, a table normalization phase was carried out and the export files needed to properly import all data into the new portal were created.
Before proceeding with data import, a custom structure was created to ensure that all data were imported accurately and consistently. This customization phase was crucial to ensure that all crucial information and content was present and accessible on the new site.
A notable element of this project was the vast amount of data to manage, with nearly 40 years of archive editions. This amount of information required careful planning and effective management to ensure that all content was easily accessible to users.
The level of customization of the site was extremely high, reflecting the importance of the Meeting Foundation and the desire to best present its message and mission. This level of customization required close collaboration between the development team and the client to ensure that every aspect of the site was aligned with the Foundation’s vision.
On a positive note, the collaboration that began in 2018 is still active today, which is a testament to the client’s success and satisfaction with the work done. Each year, the site is improved and updated to make it more accessible and searchable, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to providing a high-quality user experience.
In addition, a search engine positioning service (organic SEO) was activated to increase the visibility of the platform on the web. This service involved resolving technical issues and creating an effective strategy for new content, ensuring that the site is easily found by anyone interested in the Meeting Foundation’s mission and the issues they cover from year to year.
In conclusion, the website migration and makeover project for the Meeting Foundation was an outstanding success, reflecting the commitment to spreading the culture and values of friendship among peoples. Ongoing collaboration and constant improvement of the site demonstrate an enduring commitment to achieving high-quality results.